Sunday, February 26, 2023

Skiing or Snowboarding

     Over break, I went skiing at pleasant Mt. I often heard the great debate: skiing or snow boarding.

There are lots of pro's and con's to each but I have summed it up to two things. If you want movement go for ski's but if you want comfort go for a snowboard. Ski's are great for movement because, first off, the chairlift. Chairlifts are great! They allow you to reach area's that you otherwise couldn't with a T-bar. With ski's, you just sit down at the bottom, then push off at the top. But with snowboarders, you have to push yourself along with your foot, which is slow and increases your chance of falling. Also, you have to strap in at the top. Pushing yourself along with your foot is also annoying when going of flat parts, because snowboarders can't use poles or skate ski to gain momentum. Plus, ski's can handle more types of terrain and go down steeper slopes with less fall risk than snowboarders. And it's more natural to have two legs working separately, instead of having them strapped to one plane.   But snowboards are really good for comfort. Ski boots are renowned for being tight and hard to put on. But snowboard boots are nice and comfy. Also, they make snowboarding pants with padded butts, so it doesn't hurt also much to fall as you might think. And, snowboards dig in more, so not huge wipeouts. 

 Well, I guess it even's out a lot, so it's up to you to decide. But whatever your choice is, you won't regret       it!

Skiing or Snowboarding

     Over break, I went skiing at pleasant Mt. I often heard the great debate: skiing or snow boarding. There are lots of pro's and con&...